MusiChopstick : Big Bang - M.A.D.E Singles

Sebuah album adalah kekuatan...sekiranya itulah yang ditunjukkan BIG BANG kali ini. Usai tahun lalu dimanjakan sister-girl group 2NE1 yang merilis serangkaian single secara berturut-turut, YG mengkonfirmasi kembalinya BIG BANG melalui serangkaian album yang lebih.. meledak! Well, how big and bang that Big Bang could be? This is it. Empat album dengan sepasang single, 7 music-video dirilis di bulan Mei hingga Agustus 2015 pastinya menjadi kabar memuaskan bagi VIP dan penggemar Kpop. Jadi kalau sebuah album saja begitu kuat, lebih-lebih kalau 4+1 sekaligus...woaa Daebak! Disini 4 menunjuk pada rilisan empat double single-album yang hanya dinamai sebuah huruf namun bila digabungkan terbentuk kata MADE sementara +1 merupakan sebuah full album berisi original tracks and in that-titled yang seharusnya diluncurkan kelar keempat album tersebut. Namun dengan penuhnya jadwal konser dan tour membuatnya ditunda tanpa kepastian kapan akan dirilis.

If an album can shows a greatness, what would be if there is 4+1 album? And how big and bang that BIG BANG could be? That might answered this year. It's Already (since I wrote this after the moment) from YG announces they are back with such monthly project by releasing  two singles in every album for four months, including to release the full album with new, original tracks in the end. It's all wrapped although we still waiting the last one, which it's still hanging on the wall.

Dirilis bulan Mei, album M menjadi karya yang sangat diantisipasi publik sebab sekaligus menandai comeback perdana mereka. Dua singlenya sukses memikat mata dan rasa. Walau artistik secara visual dalam music video-nya, keduanya memberi getaran dan pesan yang berbeda. Loser begitu mencumbu kesedihan sekaligus mengundang pertanyaan mengenai kehidupan yang seringkali luput dari sempurna. Esensi itu diekspresikan dengan baik oleh tiap member Big Bang. Kontras dengan Bae-Bae, nuansa dorky penuh warna, fantasism, sort of orgasm dan mencumbu melalui metafora yang disajikan secara halus untuk menjelaskan maknanya. And It's Very Bae...

Releasing M the anticipation was getting higher as this is their first album / songs for comeback. Two singles in different vibe, flavor of depth message. Loser, the first single is like a kiss to the question of life, emotion inside heart and probably going to tears us down. Vulnerable, unsatisfying, pain is blinding behind the perfection and obviously, can be experienced to anyone. A smile is sort a fine way but not always a fine life, right? The music video goes deeper because BIG BANG members totally expressed so well, enough to pinch and understand what's going on. While in Bae-Bae, they contraction to happy dancing situation in quirky tones, some rap banging to some invisible meaning into many metaphor scenes of porn...err what? whatever, it's colorful, pretty also poetic in visuals. And it's very Bae... Both singles are such different in concept but really generated good taste. For a first releases, the party just has started, and ready for some fun!

Menyambut musim panas di bulan Juni, kedua single dari album A terasa begitu pas memanaskan suasana. Single Bang Bang Bang terdengar begitu ikonik mengikuti jejak Fantastic Baby, menghentak sedari awal dengan beat yang adiktif dan tampil menggila dalam music video-nya. Seru juga sangar! Kontras dengan We Like 2 Party yang terdengar lebih ringan, renyah dan relax persis dengan penggambaran music video-nya menunjukkan member BIG BANG bersantai dan bersenang-senang menikmati liburan. Calm down, we got a party and we like it.
Yeah, this summer would be so iconic when they released A with Bang Bang Bang which the single is looks perfect to enjoy the high heat of summer party. The addictive beat, also GD's phrases of saying bang...  It having similarity with their previous hits and fabulous anthem in Big Bang history, Fantastic Baby. Hottie, bold material, powerful visualization too and mentioning that the phrase is sung by GD makes it's coolest. The only difference, if Fantastic Baby hold brightness beat, these one more likely twisting, rowdy to clamorous moment. There is dance part though not so important to noticed but it's gunning the sensation. Just bad ones, just feeling of anticlimax the end of the song.  Not enough party times? Then get moved to We Like 2 Party. Free-happy style song, good mood or relax in contrary, a hip-hooray and cheers for we seeing every members in natural looks, playful side yet, they still freaky cool guys.

Di bulan Juli, BIG BANG merilis album D yang terdengar lebih slow down bahkan terbesit kegalauan. Single If You menjadi satu-satunya single yang tidak dirilis versi music video-nya, bercerita penyesalan karena tidak lebih baik memperlakukan cintanya. Sepadan dengan single Sober yang bercerita kegamangan menjalani kehidupan. Layaknya seseorang yang mabuk, berkeluh-kesah namun sepenuhnya sadar akan masalah yang dialaminya. Meski dituangkan dalam beat/ melodi yang berbeda, keduanya menyisipkan satu pesan akan keterpurukan dan kegelisahan.
Slow down in July, that's what I felt from their third released album, D. Beginning with If You, the only single that doesn;t get its music video, this song walks in slow, soft and saddened because its telling how a man has his grief for not taking care so well the love he had. Interestingly, Sober is also giving same feeling although its singing on different beats, Sober is like a drunker who drunk but not officially drunk, and whoever these person is realizing instead. About the life problem, its difficulty and how its haunting.

Rilisan terakhir, album E menyuguhkan single Let's Not Fall In Love yang masih slow dan lebih melankolis. Penggambaran music video yang manis menutupi kegalauan yang diceritakan di lagu ini. Kegalauan lebih kepada pertanyaan dan ketidak-yakinan terhadap diri sendiri untuk mencintai. Senada dengan kegalauan yang diceritakan GD dan TOP lewat single Zutter. Lirik rap yang entertaining sekaligus menarik berkesempatan mendengar kembali kolaborasi keduanya plus keusilan yang terjadi dalam music video-nya. 

Sweet but not yet faithful, strong but not really think faithfully, what would you like to be? That's two singles from E album which is completely different exclude the theme. Let's Not Fall In Love is softness and melancholy in romance mood. Like I described, its lyrics sounds sweet but not yet faithful. Why not so faithful to yourself? Asked. And Zutter suddenly in same way only a contrary to bring it up that mind. Put some swag, jerky dorky style and probably it's all because we miss to seeing GD and TOP back together in duo? Just fantastic, Just sick. How hard we wouldn't fall in love?

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