MusiChopstick : f(x) - 4 Walls

Berproses dalam karya mernjadi hal yang wajar dialami setiap musisi atau seniman. Begitu juga bagi f(x). Di tahun keenam berkarir, girl grup ini kembali merilis album penuh keempat, 4 Walls yang sekaligus menjawab kekuatiran fans. Cukup wajar karenanya selepas kepergian Sulli yang memilih berfokus di luar grup. Dirilis di akhir bulan Oktober, sepuluh tracks menujukkan kematangan vokal dan musik f(x) yang semakin dewasa, dan mampu meneruskan pencapaian yang telah diraih rilisan album terdahulunya, Pink Tape dan Red Light. Dibuka dengan lead single 4 Walls, f(x) menggebrak pesona dengan irama dinamis, sekilas-serupa (dan mengingatkan) dengan lagu View milik SHINee, yang mana memang berasal dari satu komposer. Lebih mempesona lagi dengan tampilan koreografi menawan dan video musik yang berdimensi. Menyusul, Glitter, sedari awal track ini terkesan lucu dengan irama yang tidak biasa, kecuali pada bagian chorus. Track lain seperti Deja Vu dan X memberi warna eksperimental tanpa meninggalkan esensi musikalitas f(x) yang selalu unik. Begitu juga dalam track Traveler, berkolaborasi dengan rapper Zico, f(x) mencoba mengeksplorasi genre dan kesolidan harmonisasi vokal mereka. Kesan angkuh namun menggoda ditujukkan lewat track Diamond, sementara track Papi menghentak bebas dengan (sedikit) sentuhan Latin. Walau memberikan kesan cheerful, track Cash Me Out rasanya sedikit usang dan lepas dari komposisi. Barangkali karena lagu ini direkam di tahun 2013 yang rasanya lebih pas masuk di rilisan konsep album pada saat itu. Track Rude Love begitu intens sedari intro dan rasa-rasanya daripada dibilang 'rude' lebih seperti meracuni untuk mudah terngiang pada bagian chorusnya. Meski terdengar sendu, When I'm Alone sebaagai track penutup mengalir secara kalem lalu perlahan menghentak manis.

Mature and shown in works, that's what usually happen in every artist, including f(x). These girl group now becoming a quartet since the official departure of member Sulli, shortly after announcement the comeback. It may leaving some worries, but the fourth full-album answer that hesitation by turning to high anticipation instead. And it's worth waiting. I may not a truly fans, but since I do enjoying the whole track in the album, it's juts enough to say. Yes, the music maybe not suited for everyone's taste (and who awkward to Kpop) but f(x) fans sincerely feel these girls being grown-up into solidness vocals. Released this late October, 4 Walls sounds better, mature and probably able to following the same legacy from their previous records such Pink Tape and Red LightLet's start, 4 Walls is really good song (yeah, including the music video and choreography). The intro such giving a good expectation and yes, humming the beats on chorus and Amber's rap continuing the good mood (the part when she says, 'four walls, new walls and new world' feels like an enchant). Like everyone else, this song is so so similar to SHINee's View because it coming from the same composer. Glitter, in one position, is not easy to preferred in taste but got saved in chorus part. It 's funny either. Deja Vu and X sounds a bit playful, experimental of industrial, funk even classic tunes along with Traveler by featuring Block B's Zico, this track is likely versatile their harmonies. While Diamond gives a kind of swag seduction, hearing Papi bring a sense to Latino feels (although not so). Another track to keep the beats up is Cash Me Out which quite old-school songs (its originally records in 2013). Rude Love in contrast, being my other fave track, and rather saying 'rude' it's more poisoning to focused on chorus. Final tracks, When I'm Alone, although I wonder if the meaning of the lyric is probably a wonder lust and wet-ty,  it ending in soothe combination.


1. 4 Walls
2. Glitter
3. Deja vu
4. X
5. Rude Love
6. Diamond
7. Traveler (feat Zico)
8. Papi
9. Cash Me Out
10. When I'm Alone 

(please note to buy album legally to support the artist  music industry)

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